A Busy Day

Today will be a busy day for the Millers. This morning, at 9:00 AM, we play the second-place RHI Extreme. They’ve been a hard team to beet in the past, but we’re not the same team we were either. Winning that game would leave us undefeated in the winner’s bracket. Losing that game will give one of two elimination slots. Losing both mathematically eliminates us from playing in the championship game, but does not eliminate us from the possibility of competing for third place. All in all, we’re still on track to achieve our goal of moving up in the standings to sixth place or higher.

Yesterday we crushed the Lodestar Roadrunners 10 – 1. Our defense was awesome, giving up only one run in the last inning. Pitching and catching have continued to be on fire with almost no strike outs and runs being scored all over the place. We spent the rest of the day resting up, spending some time in the pool, and bonding over our annual team dinner at Sticky Lips Bareque. It was fantastic and we’re all full of energy this morning. The weather is also more cooperative, with a forecast for mostly cloudy skies and a high temperature of 85.

Thanks to all our fans who have been leaving comments on our Facebook page. Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.

Final Scores for Day 1

Here are the final scores for day 1:

  • Minnesota Millers beat Atlanta Eclipse, 14 – 1
  • Minnesota Millers beat BCS Outlaws, 15 – 2
  • Minnesota Millers lose to world champion Austin Blackhawks, 13 – 1
  • Pitching, catching, spotting, hitting, and fielding were all finominal! We won’t know until later tonight who we’ll play tomorrow, but we believe that winning two games today positions us to be able to sleep in tomorrow, with our first game starting at 11:30 AM. Stay tuned to this page for more updates, and remember to subscribe by email so you can forward these posts to your friends.

We’re Here!

We arrived in Rochester at about 10:00 PM last night. We spent the next hour getting our bags and getting to our hotel. From there, some of us went straight to bed, while others stopped off at the hotel bar to meet and greet other beep ball players.

Today, our volunteers will pick up our transportation and some team supplies. We may try to get in a short practice, or some time in the pool. Games start tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for scores.

Minnesota's Only Competitive Beep Baseball Team