Each year the Millers attracts new players, many of whom are high school or college students we find through the Summer Transition Program (STP). Weather permitting, we’ll be giving this year’s STP students a chance to try beep baseball this Saturday. For most of them, this will be a brand new experience that could open up opportunities for a lifetime. Like any student, high costs are a barrier that is difficult to overcome. Your donations will help young beep ball players to attend tournaments like the World Series. Your help spreading the word will help us to bring in more donations and more players. Please use the “donate” button on www.mnmillers.org to help these players out. Also, please share this post or invite your friends to like our page. And, of course, new players are always welcome. If you know anyone who might be interested in playing beep baseball, please refer them to us.
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Still A Long Way
Thank you to those who donated, or shared our post, yesterday in response to our call to action. We’ve made some progress, but we still have a long way to go. If you haven’t already, please help to spread the word and, if you can, send us a donation using the “donate” button on www.mnmillers.org.
Call to Action for our friends and fans
With less than two months until the Beep Baseball World Series, a regular donor organization has unexpectedly withdrawn its support. The Minnesota Millers are still very short of our $18,000 fund raising goal and we need your help. We’re asking all of our friends and fans to do the following:
1. Donate $10 through the paypal link or mailing address on our web site, www.mnmillers.org.
2. Ask 10 friends to do the same and become fans of us on facebook.
We have no administrative staff, so 100 percent of your donations are used to help our players and volunteers travel to the World Series, or to replace broken bases or balls, torn uniforms…etc. In short, everything is used to help us play beep baseball. In addition, all of your donations are tax deductable.